who prepared his own petition for a writ of certiorari to the U. S. Supreme Court. Such a suit might help awaken the Government and others to the size and implications of the homosexual problem.

What disturbs me is that the Government Agencies and Armed Forces continue from month to month and year to year to discharge or force out homosexuals without realizing how much manpower they are losing. A suit might prove to the Court that the problem is not insignificant and warrants its consideration.

A second line of attack would be to demonstrate that there are jobs in the Government and the Armed Forces which homosexuals are better suited to perform than heterosexuals.

A third line would be that the present Executive Order 18450, which governs the security procedures in the Federal Government, gives the Communists a weapon to use. Instead of giving the Communists additional weapons against us as a nation, we should be depriving them of as many weapons as possible.

Mr. S.

Arlington, Virginia


In your letter you suggested that Dr. Baker passed away. Is this the same Dr. Baker who had the column "Towards Understanding" in the Magazine? Will someone else write this column, or is there someone else I may contact about assisting me on a special problem?

Editor's Note:

Mr. J. Burlington, Vermont

The passing of Dr. Blanche M. Baker in December, 1960, has left the Magazine without the column "Toward Understanding," which she so helpfully conducted as a psychiatrist during 1959 and 1960. Many have wished that such a column might again. appear in the Magazine. However, there are no current plans for such a feature.

Instead, a department of QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS will appear in ONE Institute Quarterly. Readers having questions concerning homosexuality may address them to Dr. Ray Evans, a practicing clinical psychologist, c/o ONE Institute Quarterly, 232 South Hill Street, Los Angeles 12, California.

In cases felt to be of general interest to readers of the Quarterly Dr. Evans' answers, along with excerpts from the original questions, will be published with all personal identification omitted.



Dear ONE:

I enclose an advertisement from the everso-holy New York Times, advertising a book on sexual pleasure in marriage. Having been led to believe that hetero is the one-and-only sexuality (Lesson I) then the confused citizens must be taught that sexuality is pleasure (Lesson II). Now I ask you, gentle reader, do you have to get taught this?

Hevvins! Or are the heteros just jaded? Anyway, fellows, my point is this: that there is a plethora of hetero encouragement via these sex-is-really-fun books.

Is society discovering that its hetero brainpower is rather meager?

Dear Sir:

Mr. H. Brooklyn, New York

Nature is wonderful. It even puts a sign on your face to tell if you are gay or not. Any smart homo soon learns that the guys with a cleft or dimple on the chin are strictly for women and leaves them alone! Therefore, imagine my amazement to see your August Magazine cover with a drawing of a guy with one of those chin clefts.

Only those people with a nice, plain chin are ever really homosexual, and the only one that should ever be approached at any time. Leave the others strictly alone and save trouble.

Dear Sirs:

Mr. S. New York, N. Y.

ONE is such a comfort to me in a society. such as we live in. The "repressed homosexuals who outwardly condemn us, yet inwardly desire us are a little appalling to me. I feel that your Magazine is a definite stepping-stone for us and that eventually we shall climb the ladder to equality because of your fine work.

Mr. R. New York, N. Y.


Gay Life glitters with youth and young ideas, a prolific world of children extending those fleeting days of boyhood. As the empty phrase "Old Auntie" rings within my hearing I often reflect a moment, weigh the term and watch. I have sat in silent contemplation and formulated a pattern to meet the challenge when my turn is here. I do not want to find myself plodding aimlessly around parks and such, wasting golden hours in frug-